Cycle Sure

You want to know how to prevent pregnancy naturally with confidence and support.

Whether you want to

  • use fertility awareness as non-hormonal birth control to prevent pregnancy indefinitely,

  • want to learn fertility awareness so you can transition off your current method of birth control to give yourself some time and support before trying to conceive,

  • or want to have a fertility awareness method in your back pocket to use as non-hormonal birth control for your postpartum period ...


Over a decade ago years ago, I decided I didn’t want to take the pill anymore. It was effective at preventing pregnancy, but it also brought some terrible acne and horrible mood swings.

When I complained, my medical provider was quick to offer a different pill or synthetic option. Fertility Awareness was never mentioned.

I found out that your cervical mucus could tell you when you were fertile while researching how to help a different reproductive medical concern. (Wow that would have been helpful info to learn in health class, right?!)

I was ready to hop on the fertility awareness bandwagon ASAP … except

  • I really didn’t want to get pregnant any time soon.

  • I felt squirmy thinking about talking to my boyfriend about my desire to quit the pill.

  • I didn’t know what to expect from my period after years on synthetic birth control.

  • I was worried I wouldn’t be able to figure things out on my own.

So I hesitated, I waited, put it on the “to do” list.

Trying to teach myself how to track things like cervical mucus and basal body temperature felt DAUNTING.

I did eventually quit the pill for good. It took some time, but I healed myself of the cramps that led me to the pill in the first place.

It was nerve-wracking at first, but talking to that boyfriend about my issues with the pill was a good communication exercise for our relationship. That boyfriend is now my husband and now I love being able to tell him when I’m out of my fertile window each cycle.

I did teach myself how to use fertility awareness and I’ve been using it for 8+ years. My husband and I have one daughter which was very much planned. Fertility awareness is more than 99% effective when used accurately.

In hindsight, I wish I hadn’t hesitated.

Of course, it would have been totally different if I didn’t have to DIY my learning alone. You dear menstruator, do not have to do it yourself or do it alone.

Cycle Sure is the course I wish existed once I found out I was capable of preventing pregnancy by simply paying attention to my body.

Hi, I’m Sarah

And I wish I hadn’t hesitated because I honestly think fertility awareness is awesome. So awesome in fact that I completely changed careers (I used to work in marketing and tourism) and became a Fertility Awareness Method Educator & Holistic Health Coach so I could make learning fertility awareness and supporting your cycle easier for my fellow menstruators.

Aside from how to help you learn how to use fertility awareness for birth control (or conception) and better periods, I also know two things.

1.) There is power when we gather.

2.) Learning happens faster when done with support.

Cycle Sure is meant to help cover all of those bases.

Education + Community + Enthusiastic Support

With the Cycle Sure FAM Course & Community, You Will Learn How To:

  • Use an evidence-based fertility awareness method to accurately and confidently identify your fertile window each cycle so you can make decisions to prevent (or achieve pregnancy should your goals change.)

  • Observe the fertility signs your body gives you each menstrual cycle and feel confident in what your body is telling you.

  • Track your cycle patterns over time to better understand your health.

  • Lean into your cyclical and dynamic nature (because you’re not supposed to feel exactly the same every day.)

Inevitably other stuff will come up during the learning process. Like when you realize what your mood swings are pointing out, as you figure out how to communicate what you need throughout your cycle, combating the need to be perfect/the same every day, and literally coming to terms with the stress created by being asked to ignore your cyclical nature since your first period! This is where the support comes in.

You’ll know how to chart from the first module, but the process of getting good at and feeling confident about using fertility awareness as birth control and establishing your cycle pattern takes more than one hour. And discovering your cycle pattern and knowing what it says is the part that doesn’t get mentioned enough. It takes about 3 cycles to feel confident and 6 cycles to feel like an expert.

The course itself will help you learn and implement the fertility awareness method over three menstrual cycles and extra support from me as you dive into using fertility awareness. You’ll also have access to a community of other FAM learners and users, regular Q&As in the Facebook group to have any/all questions answered email support, and exclusive extras for LIFE.

(Once you join, you’re in. Fertility Awareness is a skill that sometimes requires refreshing or additional support depending on where we are in our reproductive continuum.)

What’s Covered?


Let’s break down how our cervical mucus and other biomarkers define the phases of your menstrual cycle and discuss good charting.


Let’s review what happens during your menstrual cycle, get you set up to start charting and do some cervical mucus 101.


Let’s get into how to use additional biomarkers to emphasize your fertility observations including basal body temp, LH testing, cervical position and more.


Let’s review everything we’ve learned so far, develop more confidence in using FAM as birth control and discuss technology that can help.

Cycle Sure will re-open on Sept 1, 2023!

(previously called the Fulfilled & Fertile FAM course)

Connecting with Sarah was everything I didn’t know I needed. Even though my husband and I were not ready to add another addition to our family I knew that it was time for me to get off of birth control. Terrified of getting pregnant again I instantly connected with Sarah in order to get a better understanding of fertility awareness so that I could avoid pregnancy naturally.
— Christine
Best thing I did for myself
was @sarahkurtanich’s
program! I am completely
free of hormonal birth
control thanks to her & feel
better than ever!
— Alysha

This should have been taught to us when we were children, but it wasn’t. Another term that’s often used in conjunction with fertility awareness is body literacy. Body literacy means you’re able to read and understand your own body. Don’t you feel ready to be well-versed in your own body?

There can be a learning curve to fertility awareness as everyone’s cycle is different, which is why I almost always recommend more than one session and plenty of support when first learning. Cycle Sure offers you all of that and more. Once you get the hang of it though, it will be a skill that lasts you the rest of your life.

Rooting for you and can’t wait to support you
- Sarah


Private Hormone Coaching